
Shai Ratansi Shai Ratansi

mangrove trees - guardians of coastal ecosystems

When we envision trees, we often imagine towering giants in forests far from the shores. However, there is a group of trees that defy this norm, Mangrove trees. A group of salt trees and shrubs that are found in tropical and subtropical regions on the world’s coastlines, they are survivors.

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Shai Ratansi Shai Ratansi

what is mycelium leather?

Mycelium leather, also known as "mushroom leather," is a sustainable and innovative material made from mycelium, the root-like structure of fungi. It's a type of fungal tissue that grows in a network of thin threads, forming the underground part of mushrooms.

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Shai Ratansi Shai Ratansi

the differences between vegetarianism & veganism

There has been a significant shift towards plant-based diets and cruelty-free living. Two popular dietary choices that reflect this shift are vegetarianism and veganism. The terms are closely related, but there are crucial distinctions between them.

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Shai Ratansi Shai Ratansi

what is a vegan luxury lifestyle?

More people are becoming conscious of their consumption and the impact it has on the planet, society and animals, leading them towards veganism, which is more than a dietary choice, it is a lifestyle.

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Shai Ratansi Shai Ratansi

the origins of veganism

Before the term "vegan" was conceived in 1944, the concept of abstaining from animal products and following a compassionate lifestyle has historical and cultural roots engrained in Asia.

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